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HTTP Request


Lunox HTTP Request is just a wrapper for Node.js HTTP requests. We have added some useful methods to this Request instance, such as auth(), session(), and files().

Accessing the Request

There are several places to access the Lunox HTTP Request instance:

  1. In middleware;
  2. In route actions; and
  3. In the onServer method of views.
  4. Using global request() helper.

Accessing Request Instance in Middleware

You can access the request instance in the middleware's handle method. Here's an example:

const SomeMiddleware: Middleware = {
async handle(req, next) {
console.log(req); // instance of HTTP Request

Accessing Request Instance in Route Actions

Remember, the first parameter of a route action is always the request instance. Here's an example:

Route.get("/hello", (req: Request, id, message) => {
console.log(req instanceof Request); // returns true
return "OK";

Accessing Request in Views

You can also access the request instance in view files by exporting an onServer method. We will discuss views in more detail later.

Retrieving Input

Retrieving All Input

You can get all incoming request input using the all method. It returns an object with key-value pairs representing the input data.

req.all(); // returns an object with key-value pairs

Retrieving Single Input

You can access user input or query data sent to the server using the get method.


Retrieving a Portion of the Input Data

If you want to retrieve only a portion of the input data, you can use the only method, which accepts an array of strings representing the desired input fields.

req.only(["email", "password"]);

Merging Additional Input

You can merge additional data into the current request input. If a key already exists in the current input, the last one provided will be used.

name: "something",


Accessing Form Data

Lunox automatically parses form data. You can access all uploaded files from the request using the file and allFiles methods.

// Access a single file
req.file("photo"); // returns an instance of the UploadedFile class

req.allFiles(); // returns an object with key-UploadedFile pairs

The result of the file method is an UploadedFile instance. This instance has some useful methods to access the uploaded file's properties.

const photo = req.file('photo');
photo.path(); // get the uploaded file's path
photo.move(directory: string, name?:string|null); // move the file to a specific directory
photo.getClientMimeType(); // get the client's MIME type
photo.getClientOriginalExtension(); // get the client's original file extension
photo.getClientOriginalName(); // get the client's original file name

We may add more useful methods in the future.